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The TRICARE Toolkit provides information and tips for navigating your TRICARE benefits Have a question or suggestion for an upcoming column? Email beninfo@ Read other TRICARE Toolkit columns at /Tricaretoolkit
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TRICARE beneficiaries have access to several mobile applications, called apps, designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone, tablet or watch.
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The Defense Health Agency (DHA) and TRICARE and their regional contract partners have developed applications for military personnel, retirees and their beneficiaries. Every app offered by DHA, TRICARE or contracted partners is free and available for iPhone and Android mobile devices, with few exceptions.
The DHA Solution Delivery Division has a PDF page on Military Health System Mobile Applications. There are similar apps on the TRICARE apps page, and additional resources include:
Clicking on the app version (iPhone or Android) link linked above will take you to the specific app store, where you’ll see details about what the app offers. There are usually other apps relevant to you at the bottom of the page.
Frost co-leads the Finance and Benefits Training Program and is also a certified Veteran Service Officer (VSO), providing career information and advice to VA disability claims and the military community . Follow your TRICAR Military Health Plan program/benefits for National Monitors and Reserves during pre-activation and activation.
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Presentation on topic: “Consider Your Military Health Plan TRICAR Program/Benefits for the National Guard and Reserves During Pre-Activation and Activation:” – Presentation Transcript:
Track Your Military Health Plan TRICARE Program/National Guard and Reserve Benefits During Pre-Activation and Activation Presenter Presenter: To ensure TRICARE beneficiaries receive the most up-to-date information about their health benefits, click here to get the latest version. All briefings before each presentation Brief descriptions are updated regularly as benefits change Tips for Presenters: Note: Print the summary and review it before the presentation. Make sure the setting is “Slideshow” Remove any slides that are not relevant to your audience Add slides from other briefs based on your audience Estimated time: 30 minutes Target audience: Members of the National Guard and the reserve on continuous active duty and on active duty for more than 30 consecutive days. Recommended Documents: Optional Benefits Presenter Comments: Welcome to TRICARE benefits/programs for the National Guard and Reserve for 30 consecutive days at the Pre-Activation and Activation Briefings.
2 On the Agenda Today we will discuss what TRICARE is, how to determine and verify eligibility, and the medical coverage available to you at different stages of your Guard career nationally and in the Reserve. We’ll also cover other important information, including reviews of pharmaceutical options and dental programs. Finally, I will provide you with important contact information so you can get help and find answers to any additional questions you may have.
3 What is TRICARE? TRICARE is a health care program for active duty military, National Guard and Reserve members, retired military members, their family members, and eligible uniformed services. Note: In this presentation, the term dependent refers to military dependents who are eligible as TRICARE beneficiaries under federal laws and regulations. TRICARE combines the health care resources of the military health system – such as military hospitals and clinics – with a network of civilian health care professionals, institutions, pharmacies and providers. TRICARE has no exclusions for pre-existing conditions, so you cannot be denied TRICARE coverage because of a health condition you had before you became a TRICARE beneficiary.
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TRICARE is available worldwide and administered regionally. There are three TRICARE regions in the United States (TRICARE West, TRICARE North, and TRICARE South) and one foreign region. Your benefits are the same regardless of where you live, but you will have different customer service relationships depending on your regional contractor. TriWest Healthcare Alliance administers benefits in the Western Region, HealthNet Federal Services administers benefits in the Northern Territory, and Humana Military Healthcare administers benefits in the Southern Services Region. The three regional contractors work with the Military Health System to provide you with health care, medical and administrative support, customer service, claims processing, and authorization of certain health care services. Customer service information for each presentation is provided at the end of this presentation. Although TRICARE programs and services exist overseas and I will provide you with contact information to learn more about the TRICARE Overseas program, for this particular presentation we will focus on the United States region.
The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, is a global database of military personnel and their dependents, including TRICARE. Service members or sponsors must be automatically registered with DEERS However, sponsors must register dependents with DEERS to be eligible for TRICARE coverage. To register a dependent in DEERS, sponsors must visit a Uniform ID Card Issuing Office or send information to the Defense Manpower Data Center Help Desk. Appropriate documents, such as a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate and/or adoption papers, are required. In the absence of a sponsor, a person with valid power of attorney can add or remove family members from DEERS.
6 TRICARE Eligibility You can check your eligibility at any time on the Internet, by contacting the patient administration office of a military medical facility or MTF, or your military personnel office. When the sponsor’s status in DEERS changes, the eligibility and status of the dependent registered in DEERS will change accordingly. Please note that providers are legally permitted to copy military and dependent ID cards to verify TRICARE eligibility.
Although only sponsors can add or remove family members in DEERS, sponsors and older family members can update their contact information. Whenever there is a change in family status, such as marriage, birth, adoption, divorce or death, the respondent must update DEERS. Update your information immediately when you change, regardless of service status Once you and your family are registered with DEERS, be sure to keep the addresses and other contact information of all members of your family up to date. family. It is important to keep DEERS information, especially your address, up to date to ensure uninterrupted TRICARE coverage for you and your family. You can contact DEERS online, by phone, or by fax. For more information, see Update your information online through the milConnect website displayed on screen. MilkConnect is the Defense Manpower Data Center’s online portal that allows you to access your information in DEERS. For more information about MilConnect, visit: If you prefer to update your information in person, you can contact a uniform ID card issuing service. Note: Newborns are automatically covered by TRICARE Prime for the first 60 days if other family members are enrolled in TRICARE Prime. After 60 days, newborns not enrolled in DEERS are covered by TRICARE Standard and TRICARE Extra until their first birthday. On day 366, they are no longer eligible for TRICARE benefits Pre-adoptees and adoptees, as well as court-ordered wards, must be registered with DEERS before being eligible for TRICARE. Claims will be rejected unless registered
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TRICARE offers several programs that provide National Guard and Reserve members and their families with continued coverage throughout their military careers. This diagram shows the life cycle of your TRICARE eligibility When you receive an active duty order, you and your dependents may be eligible for TRICARE benefits while on active duty. This benefit continues after you return to active duty. We will discuss the pre-activation and activation phases more later in this presentation. Other brief works deal with passive states and inactivity
Sponsors can receive pre-activation initial eligibility benefits for up to 180 days to support an emergency operation by being active for more than 30 consecutive days. These benefits are based on active duty orders with delayed effective dates; The sponsor’s military personnel office must update the member’s DEERS status to demonstrate eligibility. If your orders are canceled before the reporting date, your TRICARE coverage will end on the “Effective Date.” You may be eligible to purchase TRICARE Reserve Select Or you may want to talk to your employer about reinstating your employer’s insurance plan. Note: Please rest assured that you will not lose any TRICARE coverage you may have received during a warning or prior order activation until the order is removed.
If you are a member of the National Guard or Reserve and have received deferred orders to support contingency operations for more than 30 consecutive days, you are also eligible for pre-activation benefits.
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